Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hello, Everyone!

So today, I went swimming and took at nice relaxing dip in the jacuzzi. Got myself a new pet to play with today.  He enjoyed clicking and paying for me today, and I left him with a hard on, and did not allow his ass to even drip one drop for me. :) You probably think I am just so cruel well that is me, luv it or leave!!!

Now, I had a customer call me through niteflirt and request I put links to my movies from when I used to be in the Adult Film Industry. So, I will put up links later to them. He asked me if I was always dominant or do I just do it Niteflirt. Well first let me tell you, I was born dominant. I enjoy being dominant, I don't even have to try, It just comes so Natural to me. Unlike having to Fake being submissive. Well I just can't fake it, because I am not submissive in anyway.

Some people think I am bitch but guess what I say to them? Fuck YOU!!! Now pay me, submit to me or LEAVE MY PAGE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to make a button for that header but I'll post one tonight.
